Personal Fitness Sessions, Bespoke Nutrition Consultations, and expert Life Coaching for the over 40s in the North Cotswolds.
Personal Fitness Sessions, Bespoke Nutrition Consultations, and expert Life Coaching for the over 40s in the North Cotswolds.
Liz - Shipston
“I’ve worked with Anthony for more than 5 years.
His expertise and guidance have helped me believe my goal of being fitter and healthier is absolutely achievable.
His personality and humour are a perfect accompaniment to a fantastic fitness session, he encourages and supports me, every step of the way!”
people like you we’re helping
people like you we’re helping
tips and ideas to live well
tips and ideas to live well
When the word “hormones” is uttered, visions of raging uncontrollable women come to mind for most. That is just so sad. Hormonal changes affect everyone, yet we seem to have a very negative association with that word. That is why it is important that we know how to balance hormones naturally.
Lucozade have a strap line of ‘Once you are in the zone, nothing can stand in your way’. Is that the zone you want your bambino to be in? I doubt it. If you ever have times when you wonder why your little cherub has a bout of crazy behaviour, consider how much sugar YOU are giving them.
In preparation for the Easter festivities, I spent last Sunday excitedly making homemade healthy chocolate treats for my family and friends. Chocolate can actually be healthy and I am fed up with the way most of the chocolate eaten today is produced, so decided to make my own. I was super happy with the way it turned out, smooth, creamy, delicious, organic and completely void of artificial ingredients.
“ In order to keep a tree healthy and allow it to flourish, you need to support the most basic and essential elements first; the foundation: the roots and soil. Similarly, if a tree is not healthy, the first place you should look for answers is those same foundational elements.”
We get asked so many questions about the latest diet trends, superman powders, magical bars and those all-important magic supplements. We seem to forget that a “magic pill”, shake, bar or supplement claiming that it contains the perfect ratio of macro-nutrients, mineral, calories and what not, isn’t nearly as effective in fuelling our bodies compared to real food.
If you’re feeling a sharp pang of worry about sticking to your healthy eating habits between now and New Year’s Day, you’re not alone. The holidays are supposed to be a time for festivity, but they usually come with a heavy dose of panic attached for anyone who’s trying to eat healthy, lose weight, or maintain a weight loss that they’ve already achieved.
Again there is no single approach that works for everyone. Just as there was huge variation in what our ancestors ate, there is also huge variation in what works for each person. Some people see great improvements in their health when they eliminate dairy products. Yet others seem to do well on them. Some feel great on a low-carb approach, while others feel great eating more carbohydrate. Some appear to need a higher protein intake (up to 20-25% of calories), but others do well when they eat a smaller amount (10-15%). The key is to use paleo as a baseline and personalise your approach to meet your own unique needs.
Unless you’ve been living on a remote island (in which case you probably get great sleep already), you have probably heard about how important sleep is for our health and how the majority of us are not getting enough quality sleep.
I’m a qualified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Health Coach, workout lover and Self Love Advocate.
My passion is for serving people who desire to completely revolutionise their relationship with food, health and mindset. I like to ask questions, initiate small shifts, and empower people to totally ditch the one-size-fits-all diet mentality that never works.
Believe it or not, word like "you look amazing" can have a negative effect on their progress. According to Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, it causes people to loosen the reins and sometimes give up. “Even though they may have much more to lose,” he explains, “those words make them feel as if they’ve already arrived.”
Delicious and healthy chia seed pudding packed with protein, Omega-3, antioxidants and calcium that you can make in under 10minutes. Chia seeds add protein, fibre, healthy omega-3 fats and important minerals.
I have a confession: I used to go nuts on nuts and nut butters. Apparently, I wasn’t alone. After surveying numerous friends, I realised that very few of us are able to control our nut portions. Nuts and nut butters can be extremely addictive.
Hats off to you if you can eat a small handful of nuts and then put the bag away. For everyone else who eats way more than the suggested portion sizes of nuts—keep reading!